rectangular meltersLike most people around the world, Americans love their beer. America’s long history with beer begins with the Founding Fathers themselves. George Washington was known to brew his own beer at Mount Vernon and serve it to his guests, as did Thomas Jefferson in Monticello. “Beer,” Benjamin Franklin is reported to have said, “is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” Though it is not totally clear whether Franklin actually said this, the sentiment is appreciated by Americans and beer-lovers around the world alike.

In the United States, beer has recently reached a new milestone. By June of last year, more than 3,000 breweries churned out delicious, nutritious beer for millions of adoring fans. More than 50% of Americans themselves live within 10 miles of a brewery. Though much goes into brewing beer, one of the most important components of the process is boiling water and other ingredients. For that, brewers use a variety of burners, from sophisticated industrial machines to a kitchen stove.

Commercial ovens and burners in particular can be very complex, and they are used for more than just beer. In fact, approximately 95% of commercial operations use at least one oven. From gas burners and rectangular melters to kettle heating burners and lead furnaces, commercial heating equipment are essential for many industries in the U.S. and around the world. Melting furnaces, for example, are used for casting die, art, and sand casting, as well as for galvanizing, soldering, and babbitt coating. Though these applications may sound obscure, they are used by factories, trade schools, laboratories, and artisans alike. And melting furnaces are just one of the variety of heating and melting equipment used for commercial purposes.

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