Rectangular Gas Burners
Rectangular Gas Burners
All-cast iron burner used for heating tanks, vats, cookers, and many industrial and commercial applications. The Buzzer rectangular burner will outlast and outperform mass-produced burners stamped out of sheet metal when resistance to radiated heat or high temperatures is required. Sizes from 30,000 BTUH to 90,000 BTUH.
Photograph shows a 315 rectangular burner rated at 50,000 BTUH with shut-off valve, cast iron stand, and safety valve (100% shut-off).
Base list price is $691.

- Kettle, water, vat, tank, metal, and oven heating
- Micro brewing
- Heat exchangers
- Cleaning, hot rinsing, and plating tanks
- Evaporators
- Black oxide and quench tanks
- Food processing
- Boilers
- Flame treating
- Scalders
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